Exclusive sponsoring options
March 3 - 4, 2026 | ECC Berlin + online
Are you looking for a higher logo visibility or exclusive branding options?
Here they are!
We offer a variety of sponsoring opportunities and are open for new ideas.
Take a look at the options below (excerpt) and contact us for more Information.
Notepad and Pen
Your company logo on all pens and pads. Pads and pens are available at our check-in counter.
We take care of printing the pads. You provide the pens and deliver them to the location.
Conference Bag
Your company logo incl. your advertising on all bags, given to all participants at the check-in.
You produce the bags and deliver them to the location.
Lanyard and
Name Badge
Your company logo on the lanyards and name badges, given to all participants.
We take care of everything.
Coffee Mugs
Your company logo on all mugs during the conference.
You produce the cups and deliver them to the location.
Table displays with your company logo on all tables in the exhibition during the coffee or lunch break.
We take care of everything.
Table displays with your company logo on all tables and more promotional services on request.
We take care of everything.
Are you interested?
Download our sponsor & exhibitor portfolio, and learn about:
Sponsor & exhibitor options
Special and exclusive sponsorship options
On-Site specifications
Virtual specifications
Prices for all options
Your Contact
Laura Pawlik
Sales Manager /
Deputy Team Leader Sales
+49 511 473147-96